FGTeeV Chase
Vincent Carter began his YouTube career with a music channel, called IntellVevo, on which he still posts to this day. FGTeev is an acronym that stands for Family Gaming Teams Extraordinarily Enlightening Videos. The channel is as family-oriented as is possible to get. On May 24, 2013 Ryan and Samantha started setting the foundation of FGTeeV which is a second YouTube channel. The channel has been watched at over 22 million times from the beginning. SocialBlade reported that their content is extremely popular. The channel received one million subscribers when it launched in November 2015. The channel also had 1 billion people the month after. It has more than 20 million subscribers. The channel also features video blogs as well as gaming Let's Play & commentsaries. Carter even has music videos uploaded to the channel. Carter registered the channel's first channel on YouTube under the title IntellVevo on November 12, 2012.

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